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FAF Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Forged Alliance Forever community! By joining us, you are helping to keep our favorite RTS alive and thriving more than a decade after its launch. Please take a moment to review the following rules and guidelines to make sure that being part of our community remains a pleasant experience for everyone.

By accessing FAF services, you agree to the rules outlined here. This Code of Conduct is supplemental to the FAF Terms of Service. Users who do not follow these rules may receive penalties, limiting their access to FAF services. Additional contribution guidelines exist for those considering contributing to FAF.

Moderation team, ban appeals, and processes

The moderation team actively moderates the FAF environment. They judge rule violations and decide on appropriate penalties. This includes the game itself, as well as all official FAF channels of communication, such as the FAF client, the FAF forums, and the official FAF Discord server. Moderation decisions may be appealed through the appeal system.

More information on report processing, ban reasons, appeals, and report-related FAQs can be found on the FAF Moderation page.

Reporting Code of Conduct violations

The moderation team relies on reports from community members to enforce the Code of Conduct.

We encourage reporting disrespectful or unfair behavior. Submitted reports are expected to be truthful, intentionally submitting false reports will result in penalties to your account.


Common rules summarized

Section 1: General rules and responsibilities

Section 2: In-Game conduct

Section 3: Communication

Section 4: Account Management

Section 5: FAF content development (Mods and Maps)

Common rules summarized

This is a summary of the most commonly breached rules. More details on these and other rules are in the relevant sections.

Section 1: General rules and responsibilities

FAF as a community cannot work without respect, fairness, and accountability. By participating, you agree to follow the rules that maintain and contribute to that community. It is important to remember that this is a shared space where everyone should feel welcome and encouraged to play.

FAF regulations

General rules


Section 2: In-Game conduct

FAF is at its best when every user comes to compete in and contribute to a fun experience. For the game to be enjoyable, fairness is key — this means a community free from cheating, misuse of game mechanics, harassment, and any behavior that prevents others from having a good time.

For competitive games, playing to win doesn’t have to mean following fixed strategies; experimenting is valid if you support your team and try to win. This respect should extend to other players as well — even if their playstyle differs from yours, focus on teamwork and the shared goal of victory.

Teamplay and Fairness:

Commit to Competition

Cheating, exploits, and griefing:

Section 3: Communication

When engaging in any form of communication in the FAF environment, you are responsible for your words and how you express them. Offensive, hateful, or vulgar language is not permitted, and we moderate this strictly.

Respectful Behavior:


Content Guidelines:


Moderation related Discussions:

Political Discussions:

Section 4: Account Management

Your FAF account represents your identity within the community, and you should take care to maintain its integrity. This means keeping your account information accurate and secure, as well as adhering to guidelines regarding account creation and management. Attempts to manipulate, evade bans, or otherwise misuse accounts will be met with penalties.

Single Account Use:

Ban Evasion:


Account linking:

Section 5: FAF content development (Mods and Maps)

The FAF community values creativity, and players who make new maps and mods help keep the game fresh and alive. When sharing your work, make sure to respect others by following copyright rules and getting permission if needed. We encourage you to come up with new ideas, but copying or changing someone else's work without their permission and/or adhering to the provided license takes away from the community's hard work.


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